The Financial Fitness Program teaches the principles behind the Offense, Defense, and Playing Field of personal finance.

What's Inside:

  • Financial Fitness Book
  • Financial Fitness Workbook
  • 9 information Packed Audios
  • Available in 3 Languages
    • English, Spanish, French
  • Financial Fitness Decal

Available Digitally

  • Financial Fitness eBook
  • Financial Fitness eWorkbook
  • 9 information Packed Audios
  • Available in 3 Languages
    • English, Spanish French
  • Audios Available Offline

Financial Literacy Video Training Series

A collection of instructional videos, taught by Financial Fitness co-Authors Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady, that are designed to reinforce the 47 principles taught in the Financial Fitness Program.
Play Sample 1

Play Sample 2

Play Sample 3

Play Sample 4

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

On Tuesday, Carol and I were able to write our last check to a personal loan that we had with a credit union. We are so excited about that because now all we have left is our home mortgage. That means in the past 2.5 years we have eliminated $57,000 in credit card debt, 2 car loans, and the $15,000 personal loan. That’s the Financial Fitness Program working at its best right there!
Luis Medina

After I graduated from college, I had over $32,000 of student loan debt, $3,000 of credit card debt and zero money in savings. I started the Financial Fitness Program and have since gotten rid of the credit card debt, learned to pay myself first and I am on track to paying off all my student loan debt in the next 2 years. Thank you to the Financial Fitness Program for getting me on track to a better future.
Elizabeth Zmudzinski